No Phone but Lots of Miracles
July 15, 2019
General Información
I started this email by first writing "June has really been going fast" so you can obviously tell how well-kept I am on time. But, all month confusion aside, this week was a crazy one, as we tragically lost the phone on a sleepy bus ride on Wednesday.
We noticed about 2 hours later, and spent the rest of the night at the bus station asking all the drivers if they had seen a little brick phone, but when the only people who clean out the buses when they station is a group of drunk clowns who just chill there
all day, you can imagine how good our odds were to find it again. Luckily though, our bishop has a store of telephones, and loaned us a phone until we get a new one next week, so everything is good.
The Love of God
With the whole phone situation, I was feeling a litte stressed, and a little sad as we went in the rest of the week. Looking all the night took the spot of a lesson we had with a family that was really important, so we couldn't make it over and we also
didn't have a way to let them know what happened without a phone. At home we had their number written down, but it was written down wrong, so when we tried to contact them later that night it didn't work. I had no idea what we were going to do, but one of
the biggest things I have learned from my mission is that Heavenly Father loves us, and will bless us when we truly need it; something we saw again this week. The next day after our food, I had the feeling to go back to the house to get something, a little
ways of a walk from where we were. So, we did just that, and walked back to the house. We got home, I got the stuff I needed, and we walked out. As we were walking on the street by our house, the Dad of the family drove right by us. I noticed him but he didn't
notice us, so I sprinted after his car and chased him down, we talked and got to explain what happened, he gave us his number again, and it lead to a super spiritual lesson at the end of the week. It truly was a miracle, and I know that with all my heart;
that the Supreme Creator of universes and worlds loves us so much, that to Him, the worries and cares of 2 young missionaries matter enough to give us a miracle, and exactly when we needed it. Like the title of a song sung by BYU's men choir says, I love the
Lord. I know He knows me, and that my worries and cares mean something to Him, and for that I will forever be grateful.
El Fin
This week a certain hymn also made a big impression on me, the hymn "Did You Think to Pray?" Prayer is something that can easily be changed into a routine, saying the same things for everyday like clockwork, once in the morning and once at night. But,
in these past few weeks, I have come to see and feel the power that is true and sincere prayer. With the whole phone thing, I found myself taking of the advice of Alma 34, and not just praying, but crying out unto the Lord for the help I needed. Prayer is
how we communicate with our loving Heavenly Father, and when we cry out for his help, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, He will help us. Always. It is His merciful promise to us, and I have a testimony of that. Wishing you all the best wherever you
may be, and I will talk to you next week!
Elder Jackson
1. little friend
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