The End of the Beginning

February 11, 2019

the end of the beginning

General Información
And just like that, we are in the last week of my 12 week training with Reyes. I have learned a lot, from how to sleep with 2 discos that go until 3 in the morning right outside, to how to live when the water in your building gets cut (TWICE) and anything else inbetween. All in all though, I am so grateful for these past 12 weeks, and for how much I have grown during them, both in my testimony and who I am as a person. Next week I will have a new comp, so bets are on if it'll be a newbie or someone who already is here. Only time will tell! 

El Día de Tristeza
For my none Spanish speakers our there, that translate to "The Day of Sadness", and that's what we have written on our calendar to mark the good old 14 of February, Valetine's Day. While it is a intresting holiday to have on the mission, everyone here in public already acts like everyday is Valentine's Day, so I am not expecting too many changes. In light of the holiday though, I thought I'd share the scripture Genesis 29 : 20 which talks about Jacob working to get his wife Rachel. It says "So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her." For all my missionaries out there, that makes 2 years seem pretty short huh ;) 

El Fin
As I am get more time, and realize the joy that comes in preaching the Gospel. Here I am, in Mexico, teaching and talking to some of the most intresting and loving people in the world. Add the joy that comes from the grow of your investigators, and yourself, and it's not hard to see the brightside of things. Have a safe week everyone, y ¡ nos vemos ! 

Elder Jackson 

1. sterotypical photo of missionary in front of some graffiti
2. last pday with my friend Elder Lapray


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